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i WILL rizz up soul collector when this finishes up.


Aw! I really like thisss

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Hey there! This is still in development. Like I said before, chapter one is fully written; it just needs coding and editing. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. 

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im super excited for more of this game :)


I love the how in the character customization there's a lot of details, I love it when it's like that, tho when there so many options, I can't choose ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Can't wait for further updates!!


I really like that too, remind me of Zorlok :D

But, I just really wish that the customization isn't just a gimmick and actually appear again at least in flavour text.


I can't wait for more! :)


This is such a wonderful beginning ๐Ÿ’–


that was more short than expected but im hooked.

clinging onto hope fr


Ohh this is interesting! I'm more curioused how a detached MC longing for peace would be like. I'm so curious about the Soul Collector and also the many other characters we have yet to find, but I honestly feel bad for MC. Whatever sick fate happens, I hope they're okay.


Looking forward to where this is going


I absolutely love this so far. Great job and I can't wait for the next chapter of the story!!!!


I love the WIP. I cant wait for the next update


Looooved the diversity in the selective process, already seems very promising so I'm looking forward to witnessing more greatness!


ahh i didnt expected it to be so short. i wanted to know what happens next!


huh, that's short but I really liked it :D and it makes me curious for more :D


Thank you! Chapter One is fully written. I just need to code it, and it's going to be a longer playthrough!